Omar Al-Razzaz

Omar “Ahmed Munif” Razzaz (May 17, 1961 -) is a Jordanian politician, minister and former prime minister. He held the position of Prime Minister and Minister of Defense in Jordan from June 5, 2018 until October 3, 2020, and continued in the position (for the purpose of conducting business) until October 12 of the same In the year, when the new line-up of the government was announced, he also held the position of Minister of Education from January 14, 2017 until June 4, 2018 in Hani Al-Mulki’s second government, which resigned after the 2018 strikes. He served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jordan Ahli Bank, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the King Abdullah Fund The second for development, Chairman of the Privatization Evaluation Committee, Chairman of the Jordan Strategies Forum, Director General of Social Security (2006-2010), Director of the World Bank Office in Beirut (2002-2006), and leader of the national team responsible for preparing the National Employment Strategy (2011-2012).

His upbringing and education

Omar was born in the capital, Amman, specifically in the Lubeida area, in 1961.

He grew up in the arms of a family of Syrian origin. His father is the doctor Ahmed Munif Al-Razzaz – his name is the compound “Ahmed Munif” – the Arab politician who joined the Arab Socialist Baath Party in 1950, and in 1965 became the Secretary-General of the party, and his mother is the writer Lama’a Bseiso, and his brother is the writer The novelist, Munis Al-Razzaz, has one sister, Zina Al-Razzaz.

He holds a Ph.D. in urban planning from Harvard University, as well as a post-doctoral degree in law from the same university.

Government formation

On June 5, 2018, King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein commissioned Omar Al-Razzaz to form the new Jordanian government, which came after the resignation of Hani Al-Mulki’s second government; As a result of protests and turmoil in the country due to an attempt to pass a tax law. In his assignment book, the king stated: “The main challenge that stands in the way of realizing the dreams and aspirations of Jordanian youth is the slowdown in economic growth, and the resulting decline in job opportunities, especially among young people. Accordingly, the priority of your government should be to unleash the energies of the Jordanian economy and stimulate it to restore its potential for growth, competition and job creation….. Accordingly, the government should undertake a comprehensive review of the tax system and the tax burden in an integrated manner, away from continuing to impose indirect consumer taxes It is unfair and does not achieve justice and balance between the income of the poor and the rich, and draws the shape of the relationship between the citizen and his state in a clearly defined social contract in terms of rights and duties.”

Positions he held

  • Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the King Abdullah II Fund for Development.
  • Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Jordanian Strategy Forum.
  • Chairman of the Privatization Evaluation Committee in Jordan.
  • Head of the Jordanian technical team for the preparation of the national strategy for employment.
  • Former General Director of the General Organization for Social Security in Jordan.
  • Former Director General of the World Bank in Washington and Beirut.
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the National Center for Human Rights.
  • Member of the Economic and Social Council.
  • Minister of Education from January 14, 2017 to June 4, 2018.

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