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Egypt looking for speculation on southern Red Ocean coast

Egypt is propelling designs to foster the Ras Banas area of distant shoreline on the Red Ocean with the end goal of drawing in enormous scope speculations, as per remarks by the lodging priest and a money service source. The Ras Banas region, a 30 km promontory across the Red Ocean from Saudi Arabia in the most distant south of …

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Centi-millionaires in Riyadh, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi will increase by 150%

Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Riyadh are currently a portion of the world’s super-rich areas of interest to watch, with their centi-tycoon networks ready for hazardous development, as per another report. In its Centi-Millionaire Report 2024, migration advisors Henley & Partners predicted that the number of residents in the three Gulf cities with liquid investable assets of at least $100 million …

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Qatar claims that efforts to mediate a truce between Israel and Gaza are “ongoing”

Qatar’s unfamiliar service said Tuesday endeavors to fashion a Gaza détente were “progressing,” after a few rounds of talks pointed toward finishing the now 11-month war finished without a leap forward. “The endeavors are as yet progressing and channels of correspondence stay open… the objectives and visits and gatherings are progressing,” service representative Majed Al-Ansari told journalists. Long stretches of …

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